
WOW Gold it appears we are looking at a late 2011 release

Miniboss time. After reporting back to Leander we're told RS Goldto head to the top of the hill to the southeast, where some of the ancient ruins are just visible. At the top lurks Acharak, the biggest, ugliest orcan yet. He says some very unkind things about Anung and Amareth's parents and sics his minions on us. By now, these fights have become second nature, and I'm really settling into the groove of playing a berserker. I can charge, attack and draw aggro, then soak damage as needed while using the group attacks like Cyclone. Amareth can pew-pew from a distance and offer support as needed. It's the start of a beautiful friendship. Acharak doesn't take too long to kill like this, and after that it's down to the outpost for another (final) meeting with Leander.

Before talking to Leander to turn in the Acharak story quest, we empty our inventories of a particular quest item. Throughout our adventures this session, we've been careful to notice ancient slate resource nodes. These nodes don't provide a crafting function but can be turned in to one of the quest NPCs in Leander's Outpost for a bit.

TERA Japan's release time schedule is important to Westerners because a few weeks ago, Bluehole Studio CEO, Kang-Suk Kim, stated that the NA/EU testing period will begin one month after TERA Japan's launch. From this information, WOW Goldit appears we are looking at a late 2011 release for TERA in North America and Europe.

Wow... that is kind of depressing that we won't see Tera on our side for such a long time...

  Related articles:    http://buyrusgold.bloguez.com/buyrusgold/2611604/They-included-TERA-posters-Buy-RS-Gold-signed-by-the-team

