The big news I'll be sharing today Cheap RS Gold is our launch timing! That's right folks, we are ramping up for a spring 2012 launch date. Our focus has always been on launching TERA when it's ready, so you can take heart knowing that we feel we're getting close enough to announce our launch window. Let me explain, in further detail, what we'll be doing between now and spring 2012.
"Wait, did you say beta in early 2012?" Why yes, yes I did. Once we complete the alpha phase, we'll incorporate that feedback into the client, polish any new content, and then start beta testing early next year. Most of y'all are familiar with betas and how they work; for us, their main purpose is to expose greater numbers of players to TERA so they can experience the incredible action combat system, group up with some friends to take down a BAM or two, and in general enjoy a slice of TERA. We'll announce specific dates and times for our beta testing when we get a little closer, but the culmination of those beta events will be a launch for TERA in the spring of 2012!
"We chose the Crisp Thinking Platform WOW Gold because it really is the very best available. In testing we've been extremely impressed with its performance. The Crisp Platform automates many of the functions of human moderators, which allows our live team to spend their time moderating serious issues and helping players," said Patrick Wyatt, Chief Operating Officer, En Masse Entertainment.
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