
 I would like to cite two key factors contributing to the success

I would like to cite two key factors contributing to the success of Dragon Age Legends'. The first is being tied to a big mark in Dragon Age, and have strong support from the central franchise owners in the study of BioWare Edmonton. Closely linked to the output of HD gaming and have customized items meant players could win in Dragon Age Dragon Age Legends II is playing a key part of our early momentum, and be part of the brand Dragon Age which received much notice from fans then press if you were just some of the start of the release of "Dragon Punch" on Facebook.
The second factor that could be cited is the basic game loop of the game. At the time of Legends launched, and still to date, few social network game feature which is a basic player is recognized as a game. Many social networking games are more like machines or activities of addiction in the eyes of the players. By having a strong game circuit with combat fun and meaningful, we have been able to create a game that was accepted by BioWare and Dragon Age fans as authentic.
I believe that social games have a stigma among the core audience of games not being fun, not games and be largely spam machines. On the other hand, the percentage of players who engage in social play, and the amount of time spent playing these games are on the rise as more quality games have entered the market and spam tactics of the first Facebook games years no longer work on the platform.

