The sentence also seems to state that the Elin "raised the Popori into consciousness" and this is further clarified in the second paragraph. It seems that the Elin were first created by the goddess Elinu herself and that the Elin then granted some furry creatures sentience with their "divine spark".
Today, TERA Fans translator Meiellink notified me that a Japanese TERA teaser site has now opened! Right now there doesn't appear to be any new news on the site, but they are playing the amazing G*Star 2009 trailer... maybe we'll see the 2010 trailer sooner than we think :D
Anyway, if you're going to be playing TERA from Japan, you should definitely check it out.
Finally, I just thought I'd spread the word about a new thread I started yesterday! The Q&A thread will be home to Super TERA Fans and New TERA Fans alike as we attempt to address simple questions with simple answers. If you have a simple question but you aren't sure where a question like yours might be answered in the abyss of TERA information, just ask it in the Simple Questions.